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Welcome! I'm thrilled to share my Kettlebell journey with you. I'm a 43-year-old busy dad who, not too long ago, found himself lost in the midst of life's challenges. Divorce, lack of focus, and a sense of aimlessness plagued my days. This was the darkest place ive found myself over the years. Unhealthy, lazy with no self confidence. But amidst the chaos, I knew I had to make a change. I needed to find discipline not only for myself but also to be a role model for my daughter.


In December 2019, I embarked on a seemingly daunting challenge: 300 kettlebell swings every single day for a month. With little time to spare, I had to make do with what I had – a kettlebell and my determination. The journey was tough, testing both my physical and mental limits. There were moments when I wanted to throw in the towel, but I pushed through.


What started as a simple challenge evolved into a lifestyle and obsession to create a structured programme anyone can do. I integrated kettlebell training into my daily routine, whether it was in my living room or outdoors. Even travelling on holiday.


To my surprise, the benefits began to manifest quickly. Not only did I see improvements in my physical strength and endurance, but I also experienced a profound shift in my mindset. I realized that I was capable of so much more than I had ever imagined. Kettlebell training became my sanctuary – a space where I could challenge myself, explore movement, and ultimately, transform my body and mind.


With each workout, I felt myself growing stronger, more confident, and more alive. The aches and pains that once accompanied my day-to-day tasks vanished, replaced by boundless energy and vitality.


Fast forward to today, and Kettlebell Programming is changing the lives of people all over the world. I'm the fittest I've ever been. Lean and robust, without being obsessed with my diet. There's something special about kettlebell training – its ability to not only sculpt the body but also nurture the mind and soul. I've built a community around these kettlebells, sharing the habits I've honed, the workouts I swear by, and the transformational power of movement. It's all here for anyone willing to take the first step – anytime, anywhere.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, let's unlock the extraordinary potential within us through the simplicity of kettlebell training.


© 2022 Kettlebell Programming

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