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  • How many Kettlebells do I need?
    You can get amazing results with just one Kettlebell. Movements have dual options available. Our programme is designed to be flexible and effective whether you use a single Kettlebell or a pair. Here's how each option works: Single Kettlebell: Focus on Form: Perfect for mastering the basics and ensuring your technique is solid. Core Engagement: Single Kettlebell exercises engage your core to stabilize your body. Versatility: With one Kettlebell, you can still achieve a full-body workout, incorporating strength training, cardio, and conditioning. Space-Saver: Ideal for those with limited space at home. Dual Kettlebell: Increased Intensity: Using two Kettlebells doubles the weight, intensity, and calorie burn. Symmetry and Balance: Forces both sides of your body to work equally, improving balance and preventing muscle imbalances. Complex Movements: Allows for more advanced exercises, like double snatches and clean and press. Explosive Power: Perfect for building power and enhancing athletic performance. Ultimately, the choice depends on your goals and current fitness level. Whether you're a beginner or advanced, our programme caters to both, ensuring you get the most out of your workouts with whichever option you choose.
  • How much Kettlebell experience do I need?
    You don't need any prior experience to get started with our Kettlebell programme. Here's why: Beginner-Friendly: Introductory Workouts: We have a range of 30-minute sessions designed specifically for beginners. These workouts help you build a solid foundation and gradually increase your strength and endurance. Detailed Instructions: Each exercise comes with detailed videos and instructions to ensure you learn the correct form and technique right from the start. Simple and Effective: Our programme is structured to make complex movements simple, ensuring you get the most out of every workout without feeling overwhelmed. Advanced Options: Challenging Workouts: For those with more experience, our advanced 60-minute sessions push your limits and help you achieve maximum results. Progress Tracking: Track your weights, times, and personal records to see your consistent improvement and stay motivated. Dual Kettlebell Training: If you're ready for more, you can incorporate dual Kettlebell workouts to increase intensity and challenge yourself further. Whether you're new to fitness or have been working out for years, our programme adapts to your level. You'll receive support, guidance, and a plan tailored to help you achieve your goals. So, don't worry about your current fitness level – we've got you covered!
  • How often should I workout?
    The programme includes a variety of workouts designed to fit into your schedule. We recommend at least 3-4 sessions per week for optimal results. Each session lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the level and intensity.
  • How long should I workout?
    Our programme offers flexible workout durations to suit your schedule and fitness level: Beginner Sessions: 30-minute workouts, perfect for those new to Kettlebells or with limited time. Advanced Sessions: 60-minute workouts designed for those looking to push their limits and achieve maximum results. Whether you have a busy schedule or are ready for a more intense session, we have you covered. Each workout is designed to be efficient and effective, helping you burn fat and build muscle in the time you have available.
  • Does the app have a chat function?
    Yes, the app includes a chat feature that allows you to connect directly with me, Mike, and other members of the community. This feature provides real-time support, motivation, and answers to any questions you might have about your workouts or nutrition plans. Whether you need guidance, encouragement, or just want to share your progress, our chat function is there to keep you engaged and connected.
  • Can I message you?
    Yes, you can message me directly through the app's chat feature. I'm here to support you every step of the way, whether you need advice on your workouts, have questions about your nutrition plan, or just need some motivation to keep pushing forward. Just drop a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
  • How do I track my progress?
    You can track your progress using our app, which allows you to log your workouts, track your weights and times, and monitor your body weight measurements. This helps you stay motivated and see your consistent improvement.
  • Can I cancel my subscription?
    Yes, our programme is risk-free. You can cancel your subscription anytime, no questions asked. We believe in the value of our programme and want you to feel confident in your commitment.
  • What's your diet like?
    My diet is pretty normal. I prioritise protein most meals but also enjoy ice cream or cookies with my little girl. Follow my meal plan plus many more. Tonnes of recipes, a built in community and amazing advice with Kettlebell Kitchen
  • What's those things on your wrist?
    They're small guards to stop the bell rubbing on my arms. For some reason I get spots and marks from the sweat I presume. I find them really comfortable and for people starting this journey they will protect you from the bell banging or sticking into your forearm.
  • How long have you trained with Kettlebells?
    Ive been obsessed with Kettlebells for 5 years. I have trained most my life in multiple disciplines but nothing ever stuck. These things are so versatile that at my age I can train hard without risks. But also create mindful workouts that don't bore me to death.
  • How often do you workout?
    I train 4 days a week. The subscription programme is my workouts each week. Come do them with me!!


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